Some Social media recommendations and comments…….
Melissa Radley recommends….. I went to visit Liz due to pain in most parts of my body. I have been seeing a Doctor for 2 years with no answers and no medication that worked after being told I have Fibromyalgia. I couldn’t even get out of bed and I’m only 25. Every step was agony. I had one session with Liz and I can honestly say my pain has GONE. Apart from the odd headache, which is massive as I had Migraines daily. It’s gone to the extent I forget to take my medication because I don’t feel any pain to remind me. I’m so grateful to Liz for helping me in this unexplainable way but I would suggest to anyone to try this. I will be going back in a couple of weeks. Thank you again.
Emily Ann recommends….. Wow this woman is absolutely fantastic!! My friend told me about Liz and I really wasn’t sure about this sort of stuff and thought it can’t hurt I’m gonna give it a go and wow the results from one session is fantastic!!! My boy has had a very, very bad past and lots of things have happened and he’s completely changed so much calmer and thinks now, before he would be rearing or bolting off. Highly recommend!!!!
Ellen Atwell recommends ….. Liz is a very sympathic, helpful and worked on all 3 of our horses. They always seem more relaxed after a visit and Liz’s insights are enormously helpful.
Sam Robertson recommends… Liz is an amazing healer, even after just one Reiki treatment I felt so much better!
Testimonial, Distant healing with client in Ireland
Reiki with Liz was the most powerful experience of energy healing that I have ever had and I’ve been to many healers over the years – and it was long distance! As I lay down for the hour I could feel something happening to my head and my throat and I went through a variety of emotions. That evening and the next day I felt amazing emotionally, as if for the first time in several years I felt fully back in myself. Liz’s feedback of what she had experienced during the healing, fully matched what I felt during the hour, even though she didn’t know that at the time, as I was in a different country!
As a psychotherapist I believe in the power of working through emotional challenges via communication. However, I also believe that trauma and emotional distress get energetically stuck in our body and unless they are cleared, they can eventually manifest in health issues. I am very grateful for the energy work Liz did on me as it has made a huge difference to how I currently feel and I highly recommend her work.
M. Gray, Dublin, Ireland
A client who had purchased a new horse, and was having problems, this is what she had to say after seeing Liz .
I bought Wizard late last year and initially we seemed to get on ok although there were a couple of issues. However after coming off him earlier this year his behaviour deteriorated to such extent that I could not ride him out alone and was struggling to know what to do. Even in company things weren’t brilliant, and the situation got to the point that I was seriously considering whether I could keep him as I was not coping, and my confidence was badly dented. A friend mentioned about Liz via a riding club message and I thought I had nothing to lose by contacting her to see if she could help. I did not know what to expect with reiki having not had any experience of it myself.
When Liz came to the yard Wizard’s reaction to her was incredible. He immediately relaxed in her company and seemed a different horse compared to his usual demeanour in the stable. I had some suspicion that Wizard had been mistreated in his past from his reaction to different situations, and Liz confirmed this together with a lot of other information not just relating to Wizard but also about myself. It was very accurate. I had not met Liz before and had not given her any information other than my Christian name and the horse’s name when making the initial appointment.
Following that first treatment Wizard has been visibly more relaxed in the stable and I do feel that a breakthrough had been made with him. He has since had a second treatment which again has been very positive. Based on some of the information found out from Wizard I thought it would be best to go right back to the beginning with his schooling (and mine!). I have now started to have riding lessons with Liz and find her approach to be very thorough. Liz is very calm and reassuring, and has plenty of ideas to help with various situations. I have also been having reiki sessions which are proving very helpful in other areas of my life, not just with riding. Wizard and I are definitely a work in progress, and I do feel that we are getting somewhere with Liz’s help. J. Devon
A client who initially contacted Liz for a Distant healing and communication session for her horse, on the results the lady booked Liz to visit her horse and herself for treatments.
When I first contacted Liz I was at the end of my tether with my young ex racer. I thought what have I got to lose, anything is worth a try! I sent off some of his tail hair and waited. When Liz contacted me to reveal what she had found, I was amazed at the information that she told me, she told me things that myself and my chiropractor had picked up on.
I was so intrigued I booked Liz to visit us to give Guinness a treatment, I could not believe my eyes -the way he stretched and dosed off whilst she was moving over his body was so expressive. He seemed so relaxed during and following his treatment.
This prompted me to ask if she treated humans. I wanted to know what it felt like. The effects of my first treatment, during, but more so following the session were profound, since then I have had two further treatments. I can honestly say meeting Liz has changed my life. It has brought things to the surface that I had buried deep within myself, I feel like a different person and I now realise how depressed I had been. I will continue to keep in touch with Liz and see her as and when I feel I need to. E. Somerset
A client’s horse who produced some uncharacteristic behaviour asked for a Distant healing and communication session to find out what was going on as she couldn’t quite pinpoint herself.
My horse Spinach who had been coughing and unusually quiet for some time, she had also bucked me off in an uncharacteristically aggressive manner, and seemed thoroughly out of sorts.
Liz reported that Spinach had told her of a very sore place on her back underneath the saddle, during her treatment Spinach released a lot of emotion. She had injured herself whilst travelling in a different horsebox going down a steep hill, she informed Liz that she wasn’t going in that horsebox again!
Not knowing about Liz’s treatment, the chiropractor also found a tight spot in the same place and treated the muscle, she commented on the amount of heat released from the spot.
Some weeks earlier, we had been on a fun ride with a friend travelling down a very steep hill during the journey in her horsebox.
Liz’s experience with Spinach matched the chiropractors diagnosis, and reflected my impression of Spinach’s mood very closely, it gave me insight into my horse’s mood and character, which enabled me to treat her more effectively. I would thoroughly recommend her. R. Devon
A client describes her journey since she met Liz.
My profession is in nursing. In my early 40’s I decided I wanted to learn to ride, (having never learn’t as a child). As well as caring for people I very much have a passion for animals and nature.
I was extremely fortunate to have been pointed in the direction of Liz Loader as a riding instructor. I have known Liz in this capacity for a couple of years now, Liz has encouraged my passion and ability leading me forward with her skills, knowledge experience and qualifications.
Liz runs a unique stable, (in my experience) a place which exudes calmness, understanding, life long experience, which is noticeably appreciated by horse and rider.
I have also been fortunate to experience for myself and my animals, Liz’s ability to communicate with animal’s and humans through understanding, feeling, connection with the ability to translate all she feels and experiences.
The result being improved function, quality of life, and release of negativity through the process of healing. I have received this personally and also witnessed positive change in horse’s in Liz’s care.
I too have had several healing sessions with Liz which overtime has aided a deep release, allowing a loosening of tension, aiding a body and mind to feel less tangled and squeezed, regaining an equilibrium, confidence and release.
Healing has completed my life, aided a valuable way forward which has been comfortable and non – threatening in my experience. K. Devon
To contact Liz Tel. 07817 746 112 or Email