KiEquine Healing Sanctuary

KiEquine healing sanctuary is a centre that naturally exudes calm, peace & tranquility to the horses that find their way to it. Horses can need different ways of Rehabilitation, at KiEquine we work holistically, treating the horse as a whole, where mental, emotional, physical & spiritual needs are addressed to bring the horse back into balance allowing a release of any negativity which might be causing problems to the horse, behaviour problems, not a happy horse, physical issue’s that haven’t been addressed. All can add up to a horse feeling unhappy, unheard & just wanting to be understood.
At KiEquine, Liz has over 20 years experience as a riding instructor, using the knowledge she has gained & with her lifetime experience as a horse owner combined with Reiki healing & animal communication, horses are able to release all that is troubling them with the gentle energy of Reiki that supports them & communication which allows us to understand them fully & what they actually need to help them become more happy & settled with life.
Those horses who are able to be ridden, or have ridden issue’s are continually assessed intuitively by Liz to take the right approach for each individual to encourage the horse sympathically back to enjoying being ridden & then progressing in whatever ridden life the horse will enjoy & blossom.
Depending on each individual horse the length of time to rehabilitate can vary as each horse will adjust & respond in different ways. 

Once horses are rehabilitated, if it feels right to some horses will be offered for permanent loan to suitable homes but they will always remain owned by KiEquine Healing Sanctuary.