Livery options

Liz offers specialist livery packages, these can be very short term, 1 or 2 days to longer term arrangements depending on your individual requirements. Note! we are not a commercial livery yard.

Specialist livery can be for someone who would like a bit of help with …….

Either their schooling

Some intensive tuition

Having problems

Lost confidence either horse or rider or both

You have a new horse and would like to be in a supporting environment while you both get use to each other

You would like to have some ‘Me and my horse time’ chilling out and relaxing with maybe some Reiki sessions to clear away those stresses and leave you feeling calm and peaceful. Why not let your horse feel pampered too with a session as well.

Liz works intuitively, with empathy and integrity, being naturally clairsentient helps to understand the feelings of the horse or horse and rider.
Liz’s emphasis is for the horse to be listened to and understood, to work with the horse through that understanding so they are willing to work with you harmoniously. To have your horse wanting to work with you or be your companion is an amazing feeling when you know they have made that choice for themselves and not through coercion!

Liz can offer guidance to help you personally or your horse or as a partnership.

To contact Liz Tel. 07817 746 112 or Email